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Yay! you said "Yup."

Tame your task lists and finally get things done with Predictive Productivity for $29.

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Course - Predictive ProductivityThis program is all about handling the verbs in your life and work - actions, tasks, to-dos - those things you gotta do in the nooks and crannies of your day - in between appointments, meetings, and interruptions. The magic is in the Magic 8 Ball...
$97.00First Price

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Course - Predictive ProductivityThis program is all about handling the verbs in your life and work - actions, tasks, to-dos - those things you gotta do in the nooks and crannies of your day - in between appointments, meetings, and interruptions. The magic is in the Magic 8 Ball...
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Course - Predictive ProductivityThis program is all about handling the verbs in your life and work - actions, tasks, to-dos - those things you gotta do in the nooks and crannies of your day - in between appointments, meetings, and interruptions. The magic is in the Magic 8 Ball...
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Course - Predictive ProductivityThis program is all about handling the verbs in your life and work - actions, tasks, to-dos - those things you gotta do in the nooks and crannies of your day - in between appointments, meetings, and interruptions. The magic is in the Magic 8 Ball...
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Course - Predictive ProductivityThis program is all about handling the verbs in your life and work - actions, tasks, to-dos - those things you gotta do in the nooks and crannies of your day - in between appointments, meetings, and interruptions. The magic is in the Magic 8 Ball...
$97.00First Price
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You'll learn how much Dr. Melissa LOVES timers, so here's one...

10Minutes: 00Seconds

Don't worry. You're making a good decision.​

You don’t need to do less or give up the things that matter. It’s about managing your tasks in a way that works FOR you, not AGAINST you.

If you're tired of tracking who to call, what to buy, and when to follow up...


You don’t need to do less or give up the things that matter. It’s about managing your tasks in a way that works FOR you, not AGAINST you.

If you're tired of tracking who to call, what to buy, and when to follow up...


What's Inside the Course?

What's Inside the Course?

  • Step-by-step guidance without judgment or overwhelm
  • Personalized support to help you find the best solution for YOU
  • Six modules with videos to teach you proven task management strategies
  • Access to the full Predictive Productivity course and workbook
  • Step-by-step guidance without judgment or overwhelm
  • Personalized support to help you find the best solution for YOU
  • Six modules with videos to teach you proven task management strategies
  • Access to the full Predictive Productivity course and workbook

No Time to Manage Your Time? click play...

Worried you don’t have the time or bandwidth to add *another* thing to your to-do list?

I get it! When you’re already feeling overwhelmed with endless tasks, adding another isn’t going to give you the warm fuzzies.

Here’s the thing. Not changing anything is always an option. You can stay the course and keep doing things the way you are already doing them. But, there’s also a cost. If nothing changes…nothing changes. If you’re ready for something to change - if you NEED something to finally change - I invite you to say yes to Predictive Productivity and to mastering your task list, once and for all. It’s a choice only you can make.

You deserve to feel less stressed, friend. To feel the air fill your lungs as you take a deep breath of relief.

You CAN be organized and productive.

You CAN implement simple, effective solutions one step at a time and change your life.


Worried you don’t have the time or bandwidth to add *another* thing to your to-do list?

I get it! When you’re already feeling overwhelmed with endless tasks, adding another isn’t going to give you the warm fuzzies.

Here’s the thing. Not changing anything is always an option. You can stay the course and keep doing things the way you are already doing them. But, there’s also a cost. If nothing changes…nothing changes. If you’re ready for something to change - if you NEED something to finally change - I invite you to say yes to Predictive Productivity and to mastering your task list, once and for all. It’s a choice only you can make.

You deserve to feel less stressed, friend. To feel the air fill your lungs as you take a deep breath of relief.

You CAN be organized and productive.

You CAN implement simple, effective solutions one step at a time and change your life.


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